Buck's B-Roll

My comments on technology, culture, the demise of common sense, and more.

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Location: Illinois, United States

I'm a professional pilot, videographer, writer and entrepreneur. I'm also a fan of technology used for good, not evil. I think uplifting music, photography, and video just might be able to save the world.

Monday, December 26, 2005

What's B-Roll?

"B-Roll," in film and video parlance, is extra footage -- filler, if you will -- that's used by an editor to illustrate a point or cover an awkward edit. These cutaway shots add to a story by smoothing things out and explaining what's going on on the screen.

"Buck's B-Roll" (this blog) is a way for me to add to my life story by providing filler, explain what's going on in my life, and comment on all kinds of things.

Welcome to what I hope will be more than a boring, daily journal but less than a way of life.